
Selected Case Studies

Seminar on tourism destination management for Middle East Tourism Managers

Seminar on tourism destination management for Middle East Tourism Managers

The 4-day course entailed a mixture of training presentations and group assignments covering topics such as the strategy process, branding and positioning, sustainable tourism, market segmentation, product development, e-tourism, etc.

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Guidelines for Community based tourism in Botswana

Guidelines for Community based tourism in Botswana

The  project focused on 6 communities in Botswana, evaluating their tourism potential and recommending tourism development opportunities and guidelines community based tourism development in general.

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Strategy and Business Plan for the Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC)

Strategy and Business Plan for the Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC)

The Journey formulated the Lesotho Tourism Strategy: Towards 2020 and was commissioned to develop a strategy and business plan for the LTDC.

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“Find Your Treasure” marketing campaign plan for the Northern Cape, South Africa.

“Find Your Treasure” marketing campaign plan for the Northern Cape, South Africa.

The Journey formulated the Northern Cape Tourism Authority’s strategies and business plans for periods 2007-2010 and 2011-2013.

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Assessment of marketing materials and tools, Namibia Tourism

Assessment of marketing materials and tools, Namibia Tourism

The Journey was appointed by TEAM to evaluate the marketing tools to advise and assist NTB in evaluating its overseas marketing representation.

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