Project Formulation for a Tourism Plan for Ghana
A detailed project document for soliciting financial and technical support for a revised tourism plan for Ghana

Towards a Domestic Tourism Strategy for South Africa
We facilitated a stakeholder workshop on behalf of the Department of Tourism and produced a report for developing a domestic tourism strategy for South Africa

Tourism growth proposals for Rajasthan State, India
The Government of Rajasthan and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) have identified tourism as a potential vehicle for economic growth in the state.

Tourism Strategy for Diyarbakir, Turkey
The Regional Development Agency of Diyarbakir regards tourism as a potential driver of the economy and wants to develop the industry in accordace with a sound strategy

Tourism Growth and Job Creation Strategy for Nambia, 2011-2015
Tourism is an important economic sector in Namibia and the President has mandated the Tourism Ministry to facilitate the creation of 20,000 - 30,000 new jobs over the next three years. The Minister of Tourism requested the Nambia Tourism Board to produce a strategy to this end.